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Your Highest Performing Mech Types

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#1 Hit the Deck


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 12:51 AM

According to K/D, mine are:
  • Fast brawler (old 12ERSL Nova, MCII-2, etc.)
  • ECM LasVomit (HBR)
  • LURM! (old WHK-B and the reallyyy old HBK-J - I don't want to take it out again fearing that I'll bring its K/D down)
What are yours?

#2 El Bandito


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 01:40 AM

If we are talking in terms of only KDR, and with more than a dozen matches played, then:

1. Dakka MCII-B. (SQ only)

2. Sniper Supernova-C. (FP only)

3. Dual Gauss Warhammer-6R. (FP only)

4. Dakka KDK-3. (SQ only)

5. Gaussvomit Deathstrike (SQ only)

Edited by El Bandito, 19 January 2018 - 02:23 AM.

#3 Bohxim


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 01:49 AM

If single mech kdr,
Its my Victor loyalty variant - 23kdr
Bushie x1-10.71 kdr
High roller - 5.31kdr
Line backer prime - 8kdr

All ballistics builds except the line backer which runs 7 erml

Edited by Bohxim, 21 January 2018 - 03:54 PM.

#4 StealthdragonB


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 02:13 AM

Based on KDR and being mech specific (I probably don’t have a large enough variety of mechs for real categories)

1. Assault IS laser vom (4.00 on BNC 3M(C), results might be wrong because I some how have more matches on a non (C) which I don’t or no longer own, but has a far lower KDR of 1.65, I get 2.07 when I combine both, generic laser vom)

2. Fast med Clan close range harasser sort of thing (3.59 on Viper C with mgs/light mgs and er smalls)/ Heavy Clan brawler (Orion IIC with 3.60, generic srm LBX brawler)

3. Clan heavy brawler with added lurms (MDD A with 3.23, 4 srm6A + 2 lrm10A)

4. Assault Clan laser vom (3.00 on MadIIC IIC, generic laser vom)/ Clan heavy brawler with added lurms (3.00 on SMN B with 4 srm6 + lrm20)/LRM boat? (3.00 on trial STK 3F I literally played once :) )

General trends:
I like clans
My heavy brawlers are reliable, adding lurms is ok? (I guess you could call the viper a medium brawler too)
My assaults are best with laser vom

The only mechs I have with questionable match numbers is the STK, which I mentioned, and the BNC (C), which with 4.00 over 13 matches is still pretty good. The MDD has 24, SMN has 34 MAD IIC has 43, VPR and Orion IIC which are probably my true best mechs have 68 and 64 respectively. My max matches ever is only 145 on a HMN I use for scouting, otherwise a SCR on 118.

Edited by StealthdragonB, 19 January 2018 - 05:15 AM.

#5 Bombast


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 02:17 AM

Of the mechs I've played a statistically relevant amount of games in...

W/L Rate
Warhammer WHM-6R (Boomhammer) - 1.73 (112 games)
Trebuchet TBT-7M (MRM60, Max JJ Tree) - 1.5 (399 games)
Huntsman HMN-Prime (6MPL, Max JJ Tree) - 1.42 (349 games)

Special Mention
Summoner SMN-M (ERPPC Poptart) - 5.0 (24 games)

K/D Rate
Warhammer WHM-6R (Boomhammer) - 2.34 (112 games)
Warhammer WHM-BW (Boomhammer) - 2.29 (126 games)
Catapult CPLT-J (Beam Spam) - 1.97 (465 games)

Special Mention
Summoner SMN-M (ERPPC Poptart) - 3.86 (24 games)

Edited by Bombast, 19 January 2018 - 02:18 AM.

#6 Clownwarlord


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 02:46 AM

I went with this: Atlas S, brawler (SRM6s and Mediums), highest K/D with at least 100 matches.

#7 BenAran


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 03:00 AM

surprisingly, my 8 HML nova wrecks people.
Having a total of 120 damage in about 10-12 seconds (you gotta cool down afterwards) is something very few people expect.
Especially funny when a cheeky medium thinks "HML has too long burntime, I can twist this away" And then begins to stand still to fire SRMs at me. Easiest sidetorso of my life.

#8 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 03:04 AM

1.Black Knight BL-6-KNT (390 Matches, K/D: 1.49) : 2 LPL, 5 ERML, 2 AMS

2.Mad Dog MDD-Prime (289 Matches, K/D: 1.22) : 6 LRM5, 4ERML

3.Kodiak KDK-3 (284 Matches, K/D: 1.44) : 4 UAC5, 4 ERML

4.Warhammer WHM-6R (210 Matches, K/D: 1.22) : 2 LBX10, 4 ERML

#9 sycocys


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 03:18 AM

Types -
1. SRM6/MPL speedy IS brawlers
2. SRM6/cUac10/20 Clan brawlers
3. most any of the full auto cannon builds for heavy/assault
4. the 6 LL or 6 LPL combo

For me 3 probably has the highest KDR, but its really hard to track because most of my matches since FP has release were in that mode and I don't believe stats are tracked there, at least they don't appear to be.

The one set of outliers I have, which I don't really count, are the 6+ ML/MPL builds during the super quirk times. Outside of 1 or 2 mechs those builds have dropped quite a bit since they pulled off most of the duration reductions.

#10 slayerpaul


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 04:11 AM

My best K/D (more than 100 matches):

WARHAMMER WHM-6D (8 x med pulse - STD300) - 236 Matches - K: 354 - D: 272 - Ratio: 1.30

ANNIHILATOR ANH-1X (3 x ERmed - 4 med - 2 Heavy Gauss - STD300) - 124 Matches - K: 124 - D: 73 - Ratio: 1.43

#11 Bud Crue


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 04:19 AM

I love these exercises. As a fairly horrid player its always fun to look at my stats and see the often very odd results.
So, looking strictly at KDR:

The Death's Knell
Thunderbolt 9SE
Marauder IIC-B

Never would have guessed any of them.

#12 Luminis


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 04:55 AM

My MechStats are a little messed up as I can't differentiate between the terribad builds I've been messing around with every once in a while and the actually good builds... And some of the better results still hark back to a time when balance was different.

  • MAD-IIC - KDR: 2.51, WLR 1.55. Laser vomit, of course, but it's been meta vomit with HLL / ERLL and ERMLs, 9x MPL, quad LPL, even quad ERPPC. I'd say I do best with the HLL / ERML build and the nine MPL build. Tanked a lot with the quad ERPPC / LPL builds.
  • MCII-DS - KDR: 2.26, WLR: 1.81. Well, we all know the good builds, but I've also done some pretty bad stuff on it, like UACs or LB20s or whatever. KDR on the 2x Gauss, 2x HLL, 4x ERMLL build only would be much higher IIRC.
  • TDR-9SE(S) - KDR: 2.0, WLR: 2.25. Ye olde 3x LPL buid, but the stats stem from ages ago when it was quirked AF.
  • WHM-6R - KDR: 1.80, WLR: 1.28. Also seen various iterations, but I probably tanked its stats when I was running LB40 instead of Gauss vomit or 2x AC10...
  • TBR-C(S) - KDR: 1.57, WLR: 1.22. I probably tried most builds you can think of on it but I probably should've stopped playing it when it received negative quirks.

#13 Snazzy Dragon


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 05:20 AM

1. clan gauss vomit

2. clan laser vomit

3. clan dakka vomit

4. clan brawler

#14 MrMadguy


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 05:39 AM

Fast and maneuverable med-long range poke-poke shoot'n'hide Heavy 'Mech.

#15 Luminis


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 05:44 AM

The more seat time I get in it and the more skills I accumulate (ran out of Historic SP a while agoPosted Image ), the more I feel like my 2x HGR & 6x ERML Anni might get up there as well. Only bought it recently so it'll take a while to find out.

#16 Zh0u


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 05:47 AM

1. HBR Laser Vomit ECM

#17 Daurock


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 05:58 AM

For me, My top 5 mechs (100+ games) are
Stormcrow (Laser Vomit)
Hellbringer (Laser Vomit)
LBX40 Hunchback 2C (Used exclusively in scouting with my buddies)
Mauler 2P (UAC10 + Med Las)
Linebacker (SRM/Small Laser Brawler)
Marauder 3R (2xRAC5)

Up there, but not yet at 100 games -
Annihilator (4xAC5, 2x LPPC)
Assasin (ECM+SRM+Pulse)

Edited by Daurock, 19 January 2018 - 05:59 AM.

#18 Curccu


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 06:00 AM

Over 15 games played top5 current KDR

ANH-1A 4xLB10 4xML

#19 Abisha


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 07:16 AM

KING CRAB KGC-0000 26 16 9 1.78 43 12 3.58 12,995 37,435 03:51:43

Guess the King Crab 3:58 K/D rate

Edited by Abisha, 19 January 2018 - 07:16 AM.

#20 Metus regem


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Posted 19 January 2018 - 08:04 AM

For me:

Highest W/L:

BSW-X2 ratio of 4.50

Highest KDR:

WHM-6R ratio of 2.34

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